"[The symphony of 2007] is well worth hearing... An interesting release, showcasing the work of a talented composer..."

Phillip Scott, Fanfare - May/June 2010

"[Bevia's works] reveal a genuinely musical mind...[the performances] are committed and well-played..."

R. Matthew-Walke, International Record Review - March 2010

"Jose Bevia is a classical and jazz composer whose works have won competitions in both genres... The Trio for Flute, Viola and Harp (2006) is a modern re-interpretation of Debussy’s Trio.  It’s a work of harmonic and rhythmic variety, especially adept at exploring some of the flute’s musical possibilities. It alternates the dreamy reverie that Debussy finds in that combination of instruments with frenetic, dissonant jazzy moments. Yet, it also has beautiful melodies that could capture the hearts of audiences looking for some tonal allure. It would make an effective part of a modern chamber music program, especially if paired with the Debussy Trio that inspired it... The Symphony No. 1 (2007) depicts the confrontation between “positive and negative energies that dominate the human existence.” Movements one, two and four are musical struggles where the composer creates tension by contrasting percussion and brass (negative) and strings (positive) in an energetic tapestry. The short third movement is jazzily percussive and only at the end of the last movement is there some resolution to the struggle with a lyrical, quiet ending (representing the triumph of the positive)... Donde el Viento nos Lleve (Wherever the Winds Takes us…) is a fantasy for multiple percussion and harp that is an intriguing example of how an all-percussive composition can be lyrical and still be declarative. It is very well recorded. Three Enigmas (2009) for two pianos explores the combination of jazz, classical and romantic thematic material with aleatoric developmental techniques. The result is colorful, contemplative, dissonant and unpredictable... The chamber works are very well recorded with the right combination of clarity and reverberation."

Robert Moon, Audiophile Audition - February 2010